Monday, August 03, 2020

Pre-Spooky Season 2020

     Pumpkins are ALWAYS on my mind. I adore them. I adore fall, and Halloween, the whole fall/spooky season. I start to feel the deep withdraws of fall in the middle of the summer (which I loath with all my being) and long for the days of crisp autumn air and gentle winds blowing leaves across the sidewalk as I tug my sweater close around me. I have SO much I want to say in this post, so much on my mind about upcoming fall Halloween shopping, activities, etc. My mind is racing on where to start! Ya know, sometimes I just feel like typing. The the act of typing feels good to my hands and sometimes the same with actual writing with a pen. That's really why I started this blog tonight but also I really want to write about Pre-Spooky Season 2020.

    So It's August 3rd and summer sucks. Summer is by far my least favorite season. I will take fall, winter and a bit of spring and totally eradicate summer if I could. I could sit here and list all the reasons why summer is terrible but I'd be here all night. This spooky season has started early for me because I have been able to spy a few Halloween bits popping up here and there. Michael's is always a place for early Halloween hunting and they have not disappointed this year. To be honest, its the only place that I have spied actual Halloween merch. Walmart has some pumpkins and hay, so that's a start, nothing at Dollar Tree yet, or Home Goods, BUT I did spy a Spirit Halloween sign! Last year they opened in August and I was beyond thrilled to go there before my birthday! A lot of Halloween IG accounts are posting CODE Orange early Halloween merch sightings that make me uber jealous because most of our stores here in the northwest wait till mid/late Sept. to start putting things out! Darn school supplies!! But I won't complain too much because I know it's coming and I couldn't be more excited!

     Halloween shopping, whether its to purchase or just have fun looking, is a bright spot in my life, especially this year given the pandemic. I'm grateful that we are in Phase 3 and are able to get out and shop but I have also found some great things online. One thing this weird time of life in 2020 has done, is got me shopping online a lot more. I've ordered so much since March as I'm sure a lot of us have. One diamond in the rough that I have found is an Etsy Shop called, The Magical Bat  where I found this wonderful guy.

A Headless Horseman handmade doll Complete with removable head! The detail and care she took to make him is amazing and I would love to buy from her again!

Poor Abraham can't find his head!
(Sleepy Hollow Fans will get the name)

     My next fall/Halloween purchase was from Dollar Tree. As I said above they don't have Halloween out yet, but they did have a few little pumpkins so I chose one of the seemingly new fad of monogrammed pumpkins.

   It's not much, but it's cute and broke me out of my woes of wanting to see anything remotely fall in the stores, so it brought a bright spot to my day. But the real therapy was visiting Michael's Craft store. As I said, they didn't disappoint. Upon walking in, it smelled like fall (well craft stores kind of always do) and I was greeted by pumpkins! So exciting! There were many of the monogrammed ones as well as fall home decor, simple and elegant. I thought it was nice enough and a good start. Then I went down a few isles and saw some fall foliage, leaves and fun things to make wreaths or bouquets of..good stuff.

 But then I went on...and I saw the ever so enticing and wonderful world of Spooky Town (by Lemax). There it was, in all its glory! So freakin beautiful! I automatically fell in love with the Pub who donned a spinning Jack-o-Lantern and a sipping one with opening top, with many lights and sounds. There were many buildings and figures that are so amazing and detailed. What Halloween enthusiast wouldn't want them?! The only drawback to these are the prices. My beloved Halloween pub being priced at $139.99 was an instant pipe dream for me. So I did the next best thing for now, and purchased some figures which are $4.99-$7.99 and up, definitely more in my budget! I got 3 of these lovely guys.

     I have my eye on a few more. The thing is, as hard as I tried not to think about it, I could not get that Halloween Pub out of my mind. That spinning, face changing Jack-o-lantern...ahhhh!!! I was constantly searching for coupons to bring the price down, from the Michael's app to their newsletter, but only came up with 20%. 😕 I kept doing the math and realized, it was just not gonna happen for least not any time soon. But with the how awesome this is, I knew it would go fast, so purchasing early was my best chance. I kind of gave up. But then...then....Michael's sent me an email with a 40% off coupon (online only) and I began to consider it more because it would bring the price down to 89.99! Still...not cheap...but worth it for such a discount. I was really wary of ordering it online though, what if it broke in shipping? And I didn't want to pay shipping...then I remembered free pick up in store! I could order online, and pick it up the next day and still get the 40% off!! I talked with my husband and told him my plight to which his amazing self replied, "Here's my card, get it." Mind you, I was trying to find a way to pay for it myself but this wonderful man gifted it to me! I love you! (Well, my birthday is coming up this month) 😉  So that's the story of how 40% off and my wonderful husband made my Halloween dreams come true! So here it is "The Ghoulish Gourd Pub & Grill" in all its glory!

    You have no idea how this little animated building has lifted my spirits (pun intended? lol) I have had a few lousy months of mental health and I'm just starting to come around to feeling better. Just having this in my life reminds me of all the fun and beautiful things that are created for my favorite time of year. I know a lot of people don't get it. The don't understand how Halloween aesthetics can help your mental health, but they do for this ghoul and they are part of who I am. I keep dreaming of what it would be like to step into this little pub and hang out with all these characters. I'm really thinking about creating a story about it. Stay tuned and stay spooky!